Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Future of This Blog

My very first posts on this blog almost three and a half years ago were about blogging. That's funny to me because I don't think I've blogged much about blogging since! But today I'm here to discuss this blog in particular because changes are ahead!

As some of you may know, my family is moving soon. We do know where, but we don't know when. Year's end, perhaps?

Between the move, my editing business, all my other jobs, and publishing Martin Legacy this fall ... I've had a hard time blogging lately. All the changes are taking up a lot of mental space. I think I've posted late for this entire month. Oops ...

So as strongly as I feel about the importance of consistency and as much as I love blogging ... now is not a good time for me.

I don't intend to kiss blogging goodbye for forever, but I'm not sure what will happen next. I'm going to aim to continue posting once a month on a Saturday instead of every Saturday.

I have lots of projects and fun things in mind that I'd love to see come to fruition some day. Getting back to vlogging, making a self-editing course/series, publishing little e-books on writing ... But now is not a good time for those, either.

So even though I'll be scaling this back a little, I'll still be around! To make sure you never miss a post, subscribe in my sidebar (underneath the followers). You can find me on social media @abitheauthor.

Blogging was my first connection to the writing world, and you all mean so much to me.  Thanks for your continued support as I step back for a season. I'll have an August post up before you know it!


What's something you've had to set aside for a time? Can I count on you to stick around?? :D


  1. Hey! We'll still be here! Post whenever you have the time - I understand!

  2. Yes, of course I'll stick around.
    And we're moving soon, too, but don't know when either.

    Also your comment about "kissing blogging goodbye" ... I don't know if you know who Josh Harris is, but he made a really sad announcement today. If you know who he is, you'll know why that comment made me think of him and it all ;0

    Good luck with everything!

  3. Aww, thank you for still doing posts once a month!! I’ll miss your posts but I’m glad we can stay in touch through IG :) I’ll always be around ;)
    ~Katja L.

  4. I will be here waiting for your monthly blog.

  5. Looking forward to your return.

  6. I hope the move goes well! Looking forward to whenever you can post. ����

  7. Oh! A course/series on self-editing would be awesome! I hope all things in your life go well. We'll be here when you're able to return.

  8. I’ll be here until you physically remove me from your blog😂

  9. I totally get where you're coming from, sometimes we can't do all the things and it's very annoying but also very important to realize (something I regularly have to relearn). Good luck with your moving and other ventures over the next few months! How far are you moving away??

  10. I understand, but it'll still be sad seeing you less often :( I should really scale back my posting, but have yet to figure out a schedule yet. Good luck with your other endeavors!

    Hanne ||


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