
Contact Me

Want to get to know me a little better? Have a question? I would love to hear from you! I promise to read and respond to everything but solicitous e-mails.

Follow me on social media @abitheauthor or send me an email at abiclaire98 at gmail dot com. (Or try clicking the icons in the sidebar.)

I can't wait to hear from you!


  1. Hey Abi! Beautiful blog! I would very much like to email you, but the mail button only takes me to my own email. Is there another way I can email you?

    1. Oops, sorry! I'll see if I can fix it. Thanks for letting me know. Until then, if you have a blog, I don't mind initiating :)

    2. No worries! :) blog is Thanks so much! I'm eager to talk! :)

      (Eeek, sorry about the duplicate below. I hate it when that happens! :) )

  2. I wanted to contact you as well, but I'm having the same problem with it not letting me email. :) It just takes me to my email.

    1. Grr. Sorry about that . . . I just sent you a message via your Whimsical Writings blog, so we should be able to get going now :D

    2. Hi ,

      We’re reaching out to Christian influencers for a book project by Steve Green, President of Hobby Lobby and board chairman of the Museum of the Bible, his wife Jackie Green, and co-author Bill High. We believe that because of your sphere of influence, you would be a great fit to join us for the launch of “This Dangerous Book”. This book explores the history and impact the Bible has had on our culture for generations. (

      “This Dangerous Book” is for people of all backgrounds and faiths, helping to shape our worldview and allow us to learn more about the Bible’s influence on our lives.

      By participating in the project, you’ll exclusively receive this book. Additionally, we’ll send you another copy to use as a giveaway for your audience. Both for FREE!

      We hope you’ll stay tuned to future influencer projects, AMA’s (ask-me-anything) and interviews with The Greens and Bill High.

      “Thanks to Steve and Jackie Green for capturing the incredible history and impact of the Bible. ‘This Dangerous Book,’ will stir your soul and help you rediscover the Bible.” –Mark Batterson

      We look forward to hearing from you!

      Thank you,

    3. Hi Matthew :) I'd be happy to participate in promoting the book on either my blog or social media. Just let me know what I can do to help. Emailing me at abiclaire98 at gmail dot com is probably the simplest thing. Thanks for reaching out!

  3. Hello Abi! I wasn't able to use the "email" button either. So I'll contact you through this chat box. :) I nominated you for the Liebster Award! If you don't want to participate, that's okay. Anyway, here is the link. =)

    ~Hosanna Emily

    1. Sorry, I still haven't figured it out XD

      Oh my goodness, how sweet! I would love to do it, and your questions look awesome! I'm not sure I'll be able to come up with 11 people, either . . . I'll make it my post for tomorrow :D

    2. Oh yay! I am glad you are able to do it. =) I'll be eager to check back and see your answers! =)

    3. Abigayle, I had a quick question for you... =) Do you have a blog button? I want to share your blog on my own, but I didn't see a blog button to do it! Thank you! =)

    4. Aw, how sweet! I do not have a button at the moment, but it is on my to-do list to figure out. It may be a bit because I'm about to leave town, but I promise when I get one, you'll be the first person I notify ;)

    5. I now have a button in my sidebar :)

  4. Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog<3
    And I'd love to have you do a guest post.. Whatever you want..
    I can't seem to find a way to contact you by email, or something similar, so I
    decided to leave you a comment.. If you have any questions, you can go on my contact page. I have my email there..

    SO sorry for the late reply, but it means alot<3

    1. Sorry my e-mail button doesn't work. It's a recurring issue. But I tweaked this page to sorta include my e-mail above until I iron out the problem :P

      You're very welcome! I'll type something up and shoot it to you. You can introduce/close me out/interject or whatever you'd like. Make it your version of my post :) Thanks for the opportunity!

  5. Hello Abigayle,
    Thank you for reviewing my book, A Solitary Romance. You may enjoy book 3, A Calculated Romance, since it features your favorite character, James, and has a bit of intrigue. Best wishes with all your future endeavors.

    1. Thank you for commenting, Ms. Sparks! I love that your writer name is also your character's alias! I will have to check out book 3. Thank you for the recommendation. Same to you! :)

  6. Hi Abigayle,

    I was going to email you, but since it isn't working I'll do it here.

    I tagged you for the Liebster award! If you don't want to do it that is totally fine, if you do want to that is TOTALLY cool, but please check out my blog for the rules, and details. :-)

    Thank you!

    I also saw that someone else did awhile back, so I understand if you don't want to do it again.


Comments are how I know you've been here! I try hard to reply to all the comments in a timely fashion, but regardless, know that if you leave a comment, I will read it and it will make me smile. :) Please no profanity or soliciting.