Saturday, April 20, 2019

What Keeps Me Writing

If you or any of your friends are writers, you've probably seen all the posts how writing keeps us up too late, makes us hermits, and encourages us to talk to imaginary friends characters. So why do we do it?

Not all of these reasons may apply to every writer, but hopefully they'll provide you some insight.

Mission Field

Some people are very much gifted writers who are called to writing as a vocation or a ministry. This doesn't mean writing is easy for them, that it has to be preachy, or that they even make a living off of it. But it does mean that they're going to stick with it. Because when God gives you such a talent, how can you not put it to work? 

Better Out Than In

Many writers can testify that when an idea for a story comes, it often does not want to leave. At least not until it's been shaped into a story on paper and become an integral part of the writer's life ... that it might chill out. If it's going to take up that much mental space, isn't it worth a little time and effort?

Warning: it's been observed that ridding ourselves of one story often means a new story pops into our head. There may be no curing this disease.

Pros Outweigh the Cons

Yes, writing is hard. But it's also fun! Yes, it takes time and energy, but so do all the best things in life. Think about why you might feel the urge to write in the first place. It might not be for publication. But the further down the writing road you travel, the more likely you are to get swept up into all writing has to offer.

It's a Necessity

For some, writing may mean journaling or blogging instead of writing books. (Or maybe they are a creative writer but write poems or short stories instead of novels.) Oftentimes non-creative writing is more a means of processing or connection. It's a unique activity that can be very helpful for things like memorization and healing. So some may never look like a writer because they're unpublished, and yet be the most dedicated of all.

Explaining why anyone keeps at anything is a tall order. For me personally, it's a blend of all four of those things. Writing is my mission field, something I enjoy doing well, helps me process feelings I tend to internalize, and is so rewarding to see completed. It's not a requirement you always write to be a writer. But because of those reasons I listed ... I think I'll be a forever writer.


Do you see yourself as a forever writer? Why or why not?


  1. Umm, yes! Those are all so true!!! It makes even more sense to me now why I love writing so much! xD I do see myself as a forever writer. I'm always writing. All the time.

    Thank you for this post, Abigayle!!

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

    1. I'm glad you found it enlightening! Yay for forever writers <3 You're welcome!

  2. Yes, I'm certainly a forever writer and always have been. I can't imagine not writing ... sometimes I think that's my nightmare, not being able to physically write.

    1. Yayyyyy! :) Yeah, me either. I mean, I go through seasons of disliking it or putting it off... but it's such a part of who I am now! It was hard for me when my wrist got bad enough that I had a limit on how much I could type or handwrite. But that was also part of God's timing, I think, so I'm glad to be back around to being unhindered now that I've healed up some!!! <3

  3. This is a great post idea! Highly relatable. ;) I might have to steal it from you in the future if you don't mind too terribly much, haha.

    1. I don't mind at all!! I'm glad you found it useful ;)

  4. I love this post. I especially relate to the point about writing being a mission field. I truly believe writing is my calling. Even if I have to do something else to pay the bills, writing will always be the thing that I pour my heart and soul into because I know it's the gift God has given me to touch the world.

    Thanks so much for this post!

    1. Oh good!! That's such a beautiful way of putting it, and I completely agree. Thanks for sharing, Sarah. And blessings on your writing journey!

  5. I don’t know if I’m a forever writer... I’ll always have the brain and instincts of a writer. But I may not always make/take the time to write as the years go on... Makes me kind of sad to admit it, but... we’re all different.

    ~Katja L.


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