
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Disowned by Sarah Addison-Fox // Blog Tour

I'm here with another blog tour today. You may remember that Sarah guest posted here several months ago about how she got started on her writing journey. And now she has a published book!! I've heard nothing but good things about this, and I can't wait to read it!

(Can we just take a moment to really appreciate that cover? o.o Purple and stars?! Yes please.)

Two countries, two choices, one life. 

When Kyraenean slave Celeste risks her life to reach the free nation of Etraea, a country filled with technology and wealth, she unknowingly sets off a chain of events that will change her life forever.

After escaping her new owner, Celeste awakens in the home of an Etraean soldier, sworn to
protect the fragile peace. 

For Corporal Mick Haynes, life is simple. Follow the rules, do your job and work your way up the ranks. Getting shot and finding a wanted slave at his family's farm wasn't part of the plan. 

When a Kyraenean bounty hunter locates Celeste, Mick's loyalty will be stretched to the limit. 

With war on the horizon, Celeste faces two impossible choices. Both securing her freedom, but
both at a cost she could never have imagined. 

Will Etraea provide the freedom she's longed for or shackle her to an entirely new master?

You can find Sarah's book on Amazon HERE
Sarah Addison-Fox is a New Zealand-born home-schooling mother of two who loves action-packed, clean, fantasy with strong heroines. She has an astonishing amount of nail polish, has all her creative writing credentials shoved in a drawer somewhere, and has a husband who, after 27 years, can still make her blush. When she’s not working on both her YA fantasy series' she can be found fangirling on Goodreads or sending GIFs on Twitter. 
Connect with her:
 I hope you all enjoyed learning a little bit more about Sarah and her book! You've already got it in your Amazon cart, right? At least on your wishlist??

If you have any interest in scheduling your own blog tour, Livy Jarmusch (author of The Coronation) did this one for Sarah. You can find more information HERE.

What are your thoughts on Sarah's cover?! ^.^


  1. Replies
    1. Ohhhh you've read it?! I have a copy right now and I'm excited to get into it :)

  2. So exciting! Thanks for the review.

  3. I just grabbed this book off Amazon. Looks like an exciting story!


  4. Thanks so much for having me here again 😘

  5. Thanks so much for being part of the Blog Tour, Abi! <3

  6. Beautiful cover!!! I know I should not judge a book by its cover.... But then again, why do I have so many adorable empty notebooks? ;)

    1. RIGHT?! Covers get judged. That's just the way it goes xD So yay for such a pretty cover!


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