
Saturday, October 7, 2017

How I Write A Blog Post

A long while back I wrote a blog post on how I write a chapter. In fact, it was my ninth post, and inspired by Katie Grace's post on how she writes a blog post. While I'm sure my process for chapters has changed as I've selected new projects, I have now found a consistent method for writing a blog post. Even though it's not a proven successful formula, it's a formula nonetheless. ;)

You've probably noticed the pattern in how I post. My way is not the only way to do it; everyone finds their own pattern. But I do encourage you to find a blog post pattern if you haven't already! Mine goes like this:
  1. Title
  2. Introductory Paragraph
  3. Post Header Image
  4. Opening Paragraph
  5. Point One Header Image
    • 1-3 Expounding Paragraphs
  6. Point Two Header Image
    • 1-3 Expounding Paragraphs
  7. Point Three Header Image
    • 1-3 Expounding Paragraphs
  8. (Repeat until all points are covered)
  9. Closing Paragraph
  10. Ending Tildes
  11. Concluding Statement and Question
Of course, that's only how it goes when I'm writing a topical post. And sometimes I don't have points that vary enough to bother outlining with headers. This post, for example. I could have put FORMULA above the outline there, EXCEPTIONS above this paragraph, etc. But it seemed a little pointless ;) Posts like reviews and blog tours are going to look quite different.

My schedule for posting is every Saturday, with occasional posts on Tuesdays if I have extra content. Sometimes I agree to do posts for other people that require a specific date that could be any day of the week, but that's fine. Aiming for consistency is my goal. And I'm pretty sure I haven't missed a single Saturday since I began in February of 2016! Because I'm sure you want to know, I've done posts in as little as twenty minutes and taken as long as 6 hours. I'd say my average is about 1.5 hours for each blog post.

As for my process of actually drafting a post, it usually looks something like this:

  • make a couple bullet points as an outline/guide
  • write the post, using bold and italics as I go
  • save the post as a draft to finish later (sometimes)
  • create images on Canva by duplicating
  • reread the post, adding links to people's names
  • use Blogger's preview feature
  • (hopefully) fix any weird formatting issues that came up 
  • schedule post (if necessary)
  • add labels
  • customize permalink
  • share the post on social media

And that's basically it! 
Fairly straightforward, right? (If you're not familiar with blogging, don't let this post scare you; it's not as complicated as it sounds.) How do you write your blog posts?


  1. I like how straightforward your routine is. I don't have a particular routine but perhaps that might change in the future.

    1. Thanks! It works for me pretty well :) I've found that having a little bit of structure helps me ;)

  2. YOU ARE SERIOUSLY SO MUCH FOR ORGAINIZE THEN I AM! I plan out my posts ahead of time because I'm trying to be more organized but when it comes to actually writing the post I'm all over the place. Haha. I really like this post though! Could I do a post like this on my blog (of course giving you and Katie Grace credit for the ideas). :)

    1. Ahaha don't sweat it; organization = sanity for me :P Great for you!! I'm /really/ bad about scheduling ahead D: Oh yeah, totally go for it!! I'd love to read it :)

  3. I do all the writing first and make little notations where I will put images. Then, sometimes on a separate day, I make up all my graphics on Canva and use pexels or unsplash for free photos. Then I add the images, do a quick once-over, then I schedule it. I try to post every Wednesday and Saturday for consistency. Sometimes I'll have an extra post if its something important or I need an extra day.

    Your outline is great. Thanks for the tips! :D


    1. YES I do image notations too xD Hey sounds like our routines are fairly similar ;) You're welcome!

    2. Oh, just to let you know, I nominated you for the Liebster award 2017. :D

  4. You're so much more organized than I am...

    My process for writing a blog post is usually as follows:

    #1. Gets a spark of inspiration that would be a good topic for blogging. (Bonus points if this happens at the worst possible time or even the shower.)
    #2. Slacks on school or whatever responsibilities I have for anywhere from 1-4 hours to write said blog post.
    #3. Publishes blog post.
    #4. (Bonus round) Gets interrupted or doesn't have time to finish blog post. Saves as draft and eventually finishes post. Then continues with step #3.

    1. Hey, everyone's different ;) If it makes you feel any better I get interrupted ALL THE TIME!! So I either do everything for the blog post and schedule it the night before ... or I spread it out over the entiiiiiirrrre week and still forget to finish it before Saturday morning. There is basically no in between xD

  5. My formula goes like this:

    #1. Write entire post by hand on paperwhen I have spare time.
    #2. Type it down later when I have more time.
    #3. Create images and randomly insert them.
    #4. Preview.
    #5. Hopefully proofread but usually I firget :P
    #6. Publish or schedule.


    1. I love this formula so much xD Aaaand yeah sometimes I'm too lazy to proofread too haha. I used to feel bad about skipping that step, because you know ... typos. But hey if it's not underlined in red how bad can it be? xP I have Grammarly installed on my computer now so I feel pretty confidant with a quick skim ;)

  6. WHOA. WE ARE TOTALLY TWINNING. :O :O XD I actually have a post written about how I blog all typed up and ready to be posted. O.O #greatmindsthinkalike

  7. Wow yes. This is way more organized than me tbh :P I usually get blog inspiration in the middle of the night and we all know that YOU HAVE TO WRITE IT DOWN BEFORE YOU LOSE IT and so I do it on paper usually and then type it up later, adding some pictures and making it sound nicer lol. I'm thinking your method may work better tho :D I'll have to give it a shot sometime. Thanks for sharing, Abi!

    1. AHH I got blog inspiration in the middle of the night just recently!! I'm usually having to come up with a topic as I sit down to write but it hit me and I had to find my phone in the dark and type it out xD So I TOTALLY GET YOU!! Sure thing! I'm always curious to see how something like blogging works for different personalities :D

  8. Looks like an awesome formula. I must admit that I don't really use a formula, but I'd like to!

    1. I've definitely found it helpful. And it wasn't like an intentional decision of mine ... I just like being consistent and found a rhythm :)

  9. You are so nice and organized and I'm over here like "oh yeahhh, I post on Sundays" *scrambles to write a post in an hour*
    Hehe. I'm getting a little better though, it definitely helps when you start making a blogging schedule, that's for sure!

    1. Hahaha xD I've definitely been there before! Yes, blogging schedules are another nice thing. I've been scheduling more this fall trying to get more guest posts and such and it's been really helpful knowing some weeks are already taken care of! I've found that I'm more likely to write my posts in advance, too, since I come up with the topics in advance ;)

  10. This was super cool to read! I'm either really organized with how I write posts, or literally go at it with 0 rhyme or reason. xD I'm definitely trying to stay more on the side of organization!

    1. Ha, yeah I think everyone has how they /like/ to write posts ... and then the chaos version. xP Thankfully I've never found readers that really seem to mind? Oftentimes the scramble brain doesn't come through too badly thank goodness xD Organization is so helpful if I can just set my chaos aside and make time for it :P

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