
Saturday, May 13, 2017

Vlog + Updates + Beta Reader Sign Ups

It's time for another Very Awesome Vlog Challenge video and some updates on what's new!

There were some really thought-provoking questions for this April-June vlog. What makes this one different?? I share my latest book purchases and disclose some facts about myself in the course of the video (which happens to be 3x longer than usual). Definitely join the vlog challenge HERE while there's still time! You're entered to win a $10 Amazon gift card when you join the link up ;D So why I'm begging for competition, I don't know.

Now for the part where I ramble even more. There are few things that have happened of late that I thought you should know about. As always, if you really want to be in the loop, you'll have to subscribe for my newsletter in the sidebar. :)

First, I failed Camp NaNo. You probably don't know that yet unless you already read my newsletter. April was long and painful and the words really fought back. I wrote a blog post on Teen Authors Journal all about titled I Failed NaNoWriMo (and I'm glad). I'd really appreciate it if you'd give it a read and some feedback :) The project that I did not reach my goal on was drafting Martin Crossroads, the sequel to Martin Hospitality. The good news is I have recovered from my untimely burnout and am finally churning out words again!

I wanted you all to know that a paperback of Martin Hospitality will be part of a large giveaway over at Reading Is My Superpower. The giveaway runs May 15-21. You enter by genre (as many as you please): YA/Speculative, Contemporary, Historical, and Mystery/Suspense. All the books are Christian Fiction and Martin Hospitality is part of the Contemporary genre giveaway.

The next piece of news is on Andora's Folly. I get it back from my alpha readers today, so I need betas! Once again, I am not putting a limit on how many. I'm just filtering people out by these requirements:
  • I recognize your name. Just explain who you are and how I should know you on the form :)
  • You can read 30,000 words in two weeks (May 27-June 10)
  • You will offer advice and provide honest (but kind) feedback
  • You will write me a honest review on Amazon and/or Goodreads
Click HERE to view the form if the embedded version doesn't appear below. I can't wait to see who all signs up! This form is open through Friday, May 26. If you can't beta read, take heart. The publication date is July 29!

You can learn more about my stories on My Writings page. :)


Phew!! That needed to happen ;) Any questions or comments?

Have a great Mother's Day :) Be looking for a special Tuesday post from Gemma's point of view!!


  1. You are just the cutest thing, Abi. I adore your vlogs and this one was no exception. Also, I'm literally going to search Melanie Dickerson right now.

    1. Hehe, thank you. :) Yay!! I recommend The Beautiful Pretender as your first book by her so far :)

    2. I want to read allll the fairy tale retellings!!

  2. I'm so excited about beta reading this one!

    1. Eliza! You're beta reading an Abigayle Claire book!?!?! I'm so jealous, I wish I could beta read it, but I just don't have time with school and all the other reading and writing I want to do....

    2. Of course I'm beta reading it MusicGirl!!! I mean, it's an Abigayle Claire book!!! :D

    3. Well I'm jealous because I wanna beta read it...but obviously I don't do well with deadlines/schedules as shown through my non-existent blogging schedule. 😁

    4. Thanks, Eliza :D I'm so happy to have you along again!

      Musicgirl, you're welcome to change your mind and put your deadline/schedule skills to the test ;)

    5. We'll see, depends on my homework load during that time.

  3. I would love to beta, but I just super busy right now. *sniffs* Sorry. I can't wait to buy it and read it come summer though!!

    1. That's okay!! I totally understand! I definitely can't beta read as much as I'd like to :/ I look forward to hearing what you think of it over the summer :)

    2. I will absolutely let you know how I like it, Abi! (I loved Martin Hospitality, so I'm sure I'll enjoy anything else you write!)

  4. Oh my word, I love your vlogs! :D You had such a nice book haul! I really want to read like all of those books. I'm not very good at using social media to show the books I get. :P

    I'm really disappointed right now because I want to beta read "Andora's Folly" but I can't! I'm going to be busy during that time and won't have time. *sad face* But I WILL read it once it's published.

    1. Aw, thanks, Karyssa ^.^ Hehe, I honestly don't know how I ended up with so many books over the last few weeks. I'm not either, which is why I added it onto the video ;)

      Aw, I'm sorry you're busy! I'll actually be really busy, too, so I'll be scrambling to get all the revisions done so you all can have it by then and I can "take a break" while I'm too busy for it :P ((This is why I suffer burnout)) I look forward to sharing it with you once it's published :)

  5. Aahhh you inspire me to maybe try a blog at some point. Maybe. Possibly. Perhaps. I mean if you're brave enough then I should be brave enough, right? BUT ALSO I NEED TO MAINTAIN MY NINJA-NESS AND WILL VLOGGING HELP ME DO THAT? #NOPE

    I LOOOOVE the title for book 2 though!! It's perfect. *nods* Also I thought I subscribed to your newsletter but I haven't gotten any emails from you?? SO JK I GUESS I DIDN'T. I'll go do that in a sec lol

    BUT YES THE ACTUAL REASON FOR THIS COMMENT: I'M HYPED TO BETA READ. At first I was like "oh nooo not now I don't have time" but it's only 30k? I'm rationalizing myself into thinking I have time. I totally have time. I'm literally rolling around in free time over here. *coughs*

    ALSO. NAVIGATING EARLY. YES. <3 I'm sooo glad this book is getting some publicity because good gracious, it deserves it. HAVE YOU READ MOON OVER MANIFEST YET??? Because it's also incredible. *nods*

    Anyways. #endrant xD

    1. Oh oops that first sentence should say VLOG not BLOG. Because I mean obviously I have tried blogging before... multiple times. xD

    2. Your comments never fail to entertain me XD

      YES!!! Lay your ninja fears aside, because a Jonathan vlog would be so awesome! Dude, you could film the entire vlog with "identity protective gear" and it would be totally ninja-proof ;) Sock mask, sugnlasses ... the whole nine yards. Obviously I'm to lazy to even do my hair any more so that's not an option for me XP

      Yay, I'm so glad you're going to beta read!! If I can get it to you any earlier than the 27th I defnitely will, but we'll see :P Yes, it's only 30k. Exactly 70 pages in Google Docs. A mere fraction of the Martin Hospitality beast haha.

      I know!! I cannot thank you enough for prompting me to read that book because it was so DIFFERENT but in such a good way!! I have not read Moon Over Manifest, but I really want to!! ((Tbh, I'm still buying books, but my shelves are full and let's be honest my tbr pile is absolutely ridiculous and still growing.))

      Hehe, yes I figured. And I read through your sign-up answers. Don't sweat the blog tour thing!! I totally understand wanting to go professional! Although your blog already has that nice professional feel I think. :D *should catch up on your posts*

  6. I reeallyyy want to beta. Like, I was about to fill out the form and then I realized that the dates coincide with the week I'll be dropping off the face of the earth... *pout face* Ahh, well, I suppose I'll have to wait and read it later this summer. Looking forward to it!! :D

    1. Aw, bummer!! It's okay, I know the feeling. I reeeaaalllyyy wanted to read Dandelion Dust :( *sigh* Such is life... I'm glad you're anticipating it!

  7. I can't believe you're on the way to publishing another book already! Wowza! That's pretty impressive. I cannot wait to read it though!

    1. Hehe, thanks. This one's been an entirely different beast thus far. And shorter. Shorter always helps ;) I was so happy when I saw you'd signed up! Welcome aboard :D

    2. My experience with "shorter" leads me to totally agree with you. XD
      Haha, I wouldn't miss it for the world!

  8. *scrambles to sign up as fast as humanly possible* Ohmygoodness, I'm totally beta-ing! I've been waiting SO LONG to get my hands on Andora's Folly xD. It's going to be epic - on what date are you going to send it out to people?

    ~ Savannah

    1. YAY! I was literally going to e-mail you if you didn't see this after a few days because you've been so good about following Andora's progress :D I'm so glad you'll be able to do it!! The morning of May 27th is my ABSOLUTE LATEST deadline to get it to you all. But honestly as soon as I'm done revising it AGAIN now that my alphas are done. It could be sooner but nooo promises :P

    2. Aww man... It will be a long time until I get to read Arora's Folly. :(

      If you can send it earlier than May 27th that would be AWESOME!!(but no rush)


  9. Yay!! I signed up to beta read!! I am so excited and since it's only 30K it won't take that long to read. (I am a slow reader.)
    Love the Vlog!! I need to try a vlog sometime. =D

    - Lilly Shyree (

    1. Woohoo! :D You make #11 so far! (That's a lot more than I expected this quickly!) Yes, it's a fairly brief little story. I definitely beta read slow, so I hear you. ;) So excited you're joining the crew :D

      YES, you should totally do a vlog!! I was super nervous and wasn't sure if my parents would be okay with it at first but BEHOLD they were chill and I'm loving it ^.^

    2. I love stories that aren't too long because they begin to get boring when they are super long. I more like to write the sweet, short and sad stories. xD My book Kindred Spirits is only 10,000 words. It might get a bit longer but I like it the way it is. =)

    3. That's true; sometimes short is best because that usually means every word counts and packs a punch :D

  10. Agjksdahlfkjasdhf. Why is it every time you have beta sign ups, I'm too committed to other things to do it? *despaired sobbing* I'M SORRY. Someday, I will beta for you and it will be wonderful. May God bless you with a delightful and helpful round of betas! <3

    1. Awww :( I shall have to remember to consult your schedule next time!! Or stealthily promote you to alpha reader or something ;P Thank you, Hannah!! <3

  11. Hi Abigayle!

    I love watching your vlogs...and may I say that I love how clear you talk. :) Thank you for making vlogs and sharing what books you bought...I love hearing about your new finds and recommendations.

    Have a splendid day!

    1. It's good to hear that you enjoy them! Haha, thanks :P Now that I've gotten used to talking to myself on a camera, it's really very fun to film them! I'm super thankful for the VAVC that gives me a schedule and structure to follow :)


  13. AHHHH I WANT TO BETA READ SO BAD. Buuuuut I'm not sure if I can. I already promised another friend of mine that I would try to fit in beta reading her novel (which is actually my first time betaing!). I just don't know if I can take on another project, especially since I'm trying to finish the first draft of The Scent of the Sun, finish my short story, and prep the first 10 pages of one of my manuscripts for a paid critique at Realm Makers. Which I have to send in by June 10th. :P

    ANYWAY. Andora's Folly looks AMAZING, but unless my schedule lightens up, I probably won't be able to beta read. *cries* D: Hope you find enough beta readers for your awesome story!

    (Also, I totally need to watch your vlog later because YES ABI VLOGS ARE AWESOME.)

  14. Lovely blog post!

    I wish that I would have found it sooner though so that I could beta read... I hope that things go well with your book!


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