
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Self-Publishing Checklist

Today I give you the last little add on for the self-publication series! It's been really fun to write out everything I've done and what's been helpful. I hope you've enjoyed the different installments. :)

I'm giving you my self-publishing checklist created specifically because you guys asked for it! Instead of sharing it in post form where you have to revisit all the time, I've typed it all up in a tidy PDF. Click HERE to download it! You'll have it on your computer and be able to print it off.

Also, because it's nearing the end of the month and Ivy Rose will be here on Saturday to talk about writing biography, I'm sharing the #typewriterprompt for the month.


There you have it! Short and sweet. What did you think of the self-publication series? Does the checklist look helpful? What would you like to see me do next? Be sure to come back Saturday for Ivy's post :)


  1. The link isn't working for might be my problem and I can try from a different device later but I just thought I'd let you know :)

    1. Thanks for telling me!! I'll see if there's any other way I can attach it. Or maybe I could do a Google Doc :)

    2. It should work for you now, Eliza!

  2. Hmm, yeah, it's not opening for me, either. ;)

  3. So yup you're the official authority on self-publishing for me now jsyk xD

    1. Haha, thank you XD This comment made my day. I feel like I should tell you that you should probably branch out, though ;)

  4. I'm gonna echo Jonathan here. This list is amazing and probably going to save my life here the next couple months. THANK YOU.

    1. Aw, thanks XD You're very welcome!! It took me forever to remember it all, but I don't want any first time, self-publishing author to have to do everything blindly and from scratch!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOUR BOOK YOU HAVE NO IDEA!

  5. Thank you for the checklist, I'm gonna take a peek at it when I get a chance. 🙃 Also, I love the #typerwriterprompts they're amazing.

    1. Awesome, I hope you find it helpful! Aw, yay!! It can be hard to know what people think, but at long as someone is enjoying them, I'll keep sharing them!! Thanks <3

    2. I very much enjoy them, so yes, keep posting them lol <3

  6. Wow! I just read through this checklist, and I can't believe how many good tips you have! I love how you included every part of the process...all the way from writing to publishing. I haven't gotten an idea for a book yet, but I am definitely saving this post in my writing advice section for future use! :)
    Thank you, Abi!


    1. Thank you :) I'm so glad you found it helpful! Something like this certainly would have benefited me when I got started with self-publishing so I hope to help other authors early on with what I've learned. Don't worry--that inspiration will come when it's meant to :)

  7. Although I've already been self-published that checklist is very helpful! Thanks, Abi. =) I'm sure I'll be looking over it again in the months to come. =)

    1. That's really good to hear! I'll probably look over it again myself to make sure I'm not forgetting something huge for Andora's Folly ... it's really nice to have (hopefully) all of my thoughts in one place!

  8. Ahhhh, this is super helpful! (No idea if I'll ever publish at all, much less self-publish. BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT. XD)

    *sits back and applauds the master* You are officially crowned the Self-Publishing Queen. ;)

    (Oh, and I tagged you for the Sunshine Blogger Award a week ago. Don't feel any pressure to do it, of course. Just thought I'd let you know. ^_^

    1. YES THAT IS BESIDE THE POINT! You're welcome :D

      *accepts crown* I will gladly claim such a title ^.^

      Saweet!! Definitely answering some of these questions (because they're amazing) in my newsletter! Which is ... late ... as usual -_-

  9. Hi! I know this doesn't exactly have to do with blogging, but would you be interested in doing a writing tag? It's not real long. You don't have to if you don't want, but will you let me know right away? thank you!


    1. I'm doing my post know, and use hope you don't mind me tagging you... you don't have to do it if you don't want, but I wasn't quite sure who to tag and thought since you are a writer you may want too? Well, have a nice evening!

    2. Ah, sorry I didn't reply to these sooner! Always feel free to tag me for things. I no longer answer the tags on my blog; instead I pick and choose some of the questions for my monthly newsletter. The next one should go out soon, so definitely subscribe to it if you haven't yet to see some of my answers there :)

    3. Okay, I'm not sure if I'm subscribed, but I will now in case I'm not. Thanks!


Comments are how I know you've been here! I try hard to reply to all the comments in a timely fashion, but regardless, know that if you leave a comment, I will read it and it will make me smile. :) Please no profanity or soliciting.