
Saturday, January 7, 2017

2017 Goals

I still haven't wrapped my head around the fact that it's a new year. There's no telling how many months it will take me to write 2017 instead of 2016. But I have got to have some goals in print because January is running away with me!

You guys get to be my accountability partners ;) Ready?
That comes out to 3 a month, which sounds reasonable to me! I'll begin with the book of Proverbs and see how far that gets me :) I would love to memorize some poetry as well, but we'll see ...
I read 55/50 books last year and I intend to read 50 books again. It's a round number and hopefully more of the books I read will be on Goodreads this year! (That's the downside to being an editor.)

I will take suggestions. Of course I have a crazy TBR, but you never know what my library may have :)
I really didn't listen to much music outside of my favorite artists (basically Josh Groban) until 2016. The main difference was getting a Spotify account. Best. decision. ever. I have found some new artists and soundtracks that I adore and I listen to music almost every day now.  If you have anything you'd like to recommend, go for it!

Sierra Abrams inspired me with her Spotify playlist, where she adds a song for every day. I am not that adventurous. So my goal is one song for every week. For obvious reasons, there's only one song so far. But this is the one I've been humming and writing to all week :)

I would really like to commit to just writing a single draft of something. But I'm going to be more adventurous than that. Write two entire drafts (1 first draft, 2 projects). *dies* I am going to shoot myself for this later, I just know it. But with all the NaNo events, I think I can eke something extra out. Or maybe I'll just revise something in the works ... So many decisions!
I was "organizing" my bookshelf the other day and realized I have 4 beautiful, completely blank journals. And 2 composition notebooks. If I can ever think of a way to use them that will be worthy of their splendor, I will use them. I'm bad about buying journals and never using them in general, so here's to overcoming that flaw ;)
I attended one conference last year (the East Texas Writers Guild one in Tyler, Tx) and it was so fun! I really want to attend at least one this year. Preferably more than that, but we'll see. I'm really considering attending the Realm Makers conference this year if a local friend is going. It wasn't really my genre last year. But now? At least I've begun a Christian Dystopian NaNo novel. :P And Ted Dekker is the keynote speaker.
It would be super easy to say I want to publish just something. But with Martin Hospitality's release next month ... I need to go further. I chose the word "items" on purpose, though. I expect my second publication will be a guide, short story, or novella. I've obviously got options :P Decisions will have to be made once I get past publication #1!


There you have it! 7 goals for 2017. (Seven is like my favorite number ever.) What are some of your goals?


  1. Good goals! Best of luck with achieving them!

  2. These are great goals for the year and I hope you achieve all of them.:) I have yet to get my post on my goals for this year on my blog.

    1. Thank you! I hope I achieve them all too :P I look forward to reading your goals post :)

  3. Yay! Goals! Those are some pretty Ambitious goals :P But I'm sure you'll get them all done. You have a whole year, right? :D

    1. Exactly ;) Without a whole year ... I probably wouldn't achieve any of theses :P Still, it's going to take some pretty careful planning! :D

  4. Wow, you've definitely got so lofty goals there, Abi! I am jealous of your ambition - I need less hobbies I guess, lol. I can't wait to congratulate you at the end of the year for meeting them all though. :D

    1. Thank you! Yes, hobbies do get in the way sometimes. Although my main hobbies are writing and reading, so I'm really just taking my hobbies to the extreme!! :P Hehe, I certainly hope I meet them all!

  5. Thoughts are some pretty good goals! I hope they it goes well for you and your goals :D

  6. Awesome goals, Abi!! I have no idea how many books I read last year. So I'd like to keep track this year and 50 sounds like a good number. :D

    AHH!!! Mia and Seb's theme is AWESOME!!!! I LOVED La La Land!!! :D

    I'm with you on the journals. I love them, but don't write in a lot them. ;) I just like that they are pretty. :D

    1. Thank you, Morgan :) Yes, Goodreads saved my life in that departmens--it's the only reason I know how many I read. And I certainly wouldn't have hit 50 without having made that goal :) You can totally do it!

      YAAAAAY!! Someone else who has seen La La Land!!! Oh my word, I loved that movie ^.^ I've been humming the soundtrack for days!

      I know! What is with that? It's true--my really pretty ones I have intentionally left blank because I want the perfect thing to fill them with :P We'll see if I ever get the inspiration to fill them completely! :)

      Good luck on your goals and welcome to 2017!


    That is all.

    1. I. KNOW. I would adore it, I'm sure. And it could be further away from me than it is this year :) I'd have to start saving money and planning now XD BUT I REALLY WANT TO. I would meet so many frens even if I haven't pledged myself to making realms ... yet ;)

  8. Oooooohhhh I want to go to Realm Makers. Probably won't happen unless I can convince a sibling to come with me though... :( We'll see.
    I love your goals! :) Best of luck in completing them! ;)

    1. CONVINCE A SIBLING THEN!!! Doesn't your brother Max like to write? YES? Well good, it's settled :DD I would only be going if my local author friend is going as well. I don't do airports. Especially not alone o.o

      Thanks! It will take some luck to complete them all, that's for sure! :P

  9. Yayyy all the goals! I especially love the Bible verses one -- we forget just how important or valuable that can be.

    - Aimee (To the Barricade!)

    1. ^.^ Thank you! Yes, that's exactly why I made it a black-and-white, published-in-ink goal XD I've always intended to memorize Scripture. The portions I know I'm bad about knowing the references to :P So here's to slaying that this year *clinks glass*

  10. These are fabulous goals!! I'm starting a 2017 playlist too:)

    1. Thanks! Yaaay!! Are you on Spotify? Because I need to find you :DD


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