
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christmas Reads

It's the most wonderful time of the year, don't you agree? No one sings that song about summer for a reason, people. I am on my author Christmas break, which means reading is what I am prioritizing. So I've wracked my brain to come up with some good Christmas reads for you :)

I just realized how few Christmasy novels I've read ... Oh well. Here goes.
Where Treetops Glisten by Cara Putman, Sarah Sundin, and Tricia Goyer. I read this one over spring break, I think. It has three Christmasy stories with characters that connect to one another and is well-written.
The Nutcracker by a gazillion different people. :P We own the one by Susan Jeffers. You just can't have Christmas without nutcrackers as my 6-year-old brother will remind you. It's on my bucket list to go to the ballet sometime :D 
Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I don't know why this one in particular popped into my head. I think most of the Little House books have references to holidays and snow but this one has food and more food. I love it :)
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. It has the word "Christmas" in the title. If you haven't read this one, this is the year! It's short, I promise.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis. This one has an abundance of snow as well as some great redemptive themes. I like this one around Christmas :)
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew by Margaret Sidney. I read this book when I was young and made my mom read it aloud to all of us last year. I love all their little celebrations in this family because they have close to nothing and, but are so loving and always doing little things for each other. It reminds me of a child's version of:
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I adore this book, and yes, it's long. But it has a lot about convictions, family life, and selflessness which makes it 100x more beautiful than just the plot.
Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg. Before Tom Hanks and Josh Hutcherson, this was a beautifully illustrated book which I happen to like.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. This was actually a book before it was a movie as well and is good *nod* It's Dr. Suess. Just go read it.
My conclusion from that list is that there needs to be more Christmas in books!! Make it your new writing goal: include immense holiday celebrations. I have the Martins celebrate Thanksgiving in Martin Hospitality, but Christmas is a little more sparse as you will see ;) Still, you don't ignore holidays in books! That's one thing I really appreciate about the Harry Potter and Little House books: holidays. We all adore them in real life, so why not include them?


What is one of your favorite Christmas reads? Have you ever written about a holiday?


  1. *nods in agreement at each book title* Yep, definitely al, good Christmas books. :) I think my favorite of the ones you mentioned above was "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe". :) A very awesome book. VERY AWESOME. ;)

    1. Yay, I get the Rebekah stamp of approval ^.^ I know that book is just precious. I haven't read it in so long <3

  2. I liked the first volume of little women but disliked the 2nd one.

    I've never read Narnia before. I know...

    1. Yes, Little Women is amazing! :) That's okay, not everyone has. But it's really amazing when you get the chance :D

  3. I love reading Christmas books at Christmas time! :D
    I'm getting ready to start reading "Where Treetops Glisten". :)

    1. Right?! I'm so bad about doing that XD Oh sweet! Talk to me about it once you're done <3

  4. Hmm, good point. I never really write about holidays cause I generally write in fantasy genres where there are no holidays! Perhaps when I finally get to my contemporary plot bunnies I should do this, cause yes, we all love Christmas!
    I just went to see A Christmas Carol play last Friday and loved it. I always forget how much I enjoy that story...

    1. Yes, write about holidays!! Not only would it make your readers happy, but it would make you stand out in the fantasy genre as well, I think :D

      Aw, I know <3 That has to be super neat as a play!


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