
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A Pictoral Journey Through NaNoWriMo

NaNo has finally ended. I'm still trying to recover and jump back into life. So far, so good, except that this post is three days late. Here's a look at what I managed to accomplish for NaNo.

~ The Glorious NaNo Chat ~

26 people. One Google Hangouts chat. It was supposed to be for #5k1days and became the cabin and now the recovery group. In short: awesome insanity and many crashing browsers. Here's a peak at the deep topics we covered:

1 ~ Sanity

2 ~ Murder

3 ~ Fiji

4 ~ Distractions

5 ~ Motivation

6 ~ Determination

7 ~ Baking

  8 ~ Superiority

9 ~ Writing 

10 ~ Stealth

~ The Snippets ~

In no particular order and often quite long, sorry ... I now know that finding snippets is not a skill. Ignore any typos :P

~ The Stats ~

Phew. Burned out at 30k, but pushed through thanks to so amazing war buddies. MyWriteClub has the best sprints ever, so be sure to check them out! I intend to shelf the draft of my Christian Dystopian novel that I drafted about 60% of during NaNo and I'll revisit it when I feel like it's feasible. Details on My Writings page :)


I'm glad to see you all survived NaNo as well, even if you didn't win! Words got written and that's what matters :) 

In other news, my November newsletter went out yesterday! If you thought you subscribed and didn't receive it, check your spam folder and then e-mail me if you don't find it :) You get lots of first news and experimental ideas and personal updates, so be sure to subscribe if you want to be 100% in the loop.


  1. Eep! Those snippets! May I pretty please beta/alpha read for you when you feel like the world is ready for your brilliance? *will be drowning in beta reading soon*

    1. Hehe, of course! Trust me, it will be a while on this one, so you'll have time to catch up ;P

  2. AHH THE SNIPPETS <333 and yes I agree with Chloe give me itttt.
    And to be honest I'll be beta reading all y'alls stories and won't have time for my own O.O

    1. Aww thanks ^.^ It literally took me hours to pick them out and fit them in the images, so I'm glad it paid off! I wasn't super confidant since I haven't ever shared snippets before like this :P I know, it's really hard to say no to beta reading a good book :D

  3. Congratulations on finishing, Abi! The snippets foretell of a great story in the making. So looking forward to hearing more about it, great work!

    1. Thanks, Emily! <3 With any luck, I'll be returning to it next fall!

  4. WHOA THOSE SNIPPETS THOUGH. O.O your style is so smooth and easy to read :D

    also oh my gracious I had forgotten about that second incident but ACTUAL FOOTAGE OF ME xD (and oh, that's not metaphorical ha xP)

    1. Thanks, Jonathan! I'm glad you think so, because it took me so long to pick the snippets that I spent literally NO time editing them XD

      Yep, gotcha Fiji fish! :P

  5. Sounds like you had a bunch of crazies in your cabin. *cough* Ours was totally safe...*coughs again* BUT CONGRATS YOU DID FAB!

    1. Oh yeah I'm sure yours was /nothing/ like ours XD But we all had so much fun together in a real cabin over July we couldn't resist founding our own this go 'round :P Totally not a distraction at all *cough* Thanks ^.^

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Aimee ^.^ I couldn't have asked for a better reaction

  7. our group....we are just so fantastically crazy that I can't stop laughing xD

    1. I know, right? I couldn't believe how much of that I had already forgotten XP

  8. Haha that last one *laughs*. Poor Emily XD
    I'm not sure that chat could ever end....ok, it probably could, but only if all the wifi and computers stopped working XD
    Loved your snippets, and a great idea for a post!

    1. I know XD The chat we began with our cabin from July because we didn't want to be finished is still in tact. It's not very active, but it's still there! Thanks :)

  9. Congrats on winning Nano! love the snippets! =)

    1. Thank you, Micaiah! I'm going to have to be better about highlighting potential areas for snippets next time so I don't have to spend so much time finding good ones ;)

  10. Oh my word, the fridge conversation - guess I wasn't there for that one xD.

    This was a great post, Abi! And your snippets were wonderful - I can't wait to beta your book someday! ;D

    ~ Savannah

    1. Isn't it priceless? XD I think it followed part of the bake challenge Sare and Jonny had.

      Thanks, Savannah! I would love it if you could beta for me. Probably be a while for this book, though! :D


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