
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Introducing Miss Maddy Cakes ~ A Guest Post

Hello, everyone! I'm back with another post. Well, hardly. It's actually a guest post from a good friend of mine, because I love showing off my friends. You don't want to miss the chance to check out her awesome blog!

Madison and I have been friends for . . . about 11 years? So, yes, before the days when I met all of you via the internet. We're real flesh and blood friends, from the same county. As such, she's also one of my trusty alpha readers. So she knows all my writing flaws and secrets. Even though the sketch above is not either of ours (or actually of her) it reminds me of her so you should already like her. Without further ado, welcome Madison!


Thank you so much, Abi, for giving me the chance to post on your lovely blog! I've never written an introductory post before so I'll cross my fingers this is okay. :) 

~The Girl~

Hello! I'm a homeschooling girl from Texas who likes to play around with anything creative. Drawing, painting, name the art medium, I've probably tried it.  And I love writing. Specifically, I LOVE characters. They are my absolute favorite part of any novel. You can create an entire world - or more than one in most cases - in your head with a variety of characters, every one different, every one yours. I have so many planned characters without stories (too many to count on both hands), yet I still imagine, develop, and post dozens of pictures on Pinterest that remind me of them.  It's a problem. *sighs*

~The Blog~

The focus of my blog is writing - planning characters, cranking out those last 1K words with crawls, making collages for novels, conducting character interviews, coming up with new stories, developing plots, etc.
I try to come up with a variety of posts each month since I may not get to post writing-related content every week. To give you an idea, here are a few of last month's posts: a peak inside one of my novels, a couple life updates, tips on developing characters, DIY open when letters, a writing/character tag, an overview of writing crawls, and a lovely guest post on creating characters (Thanks, Abi!). 
As you can see, random posts such as tags, updates, and tutorials will slip in occasionally, but the goal is to write about my adventures with writing. 

~The Goals~

  1. Improvement. One of my blogging goals is to help me improve in writing. MissMaddyCakes is a jump start to force me brainstorm, write, and edit regularly. Although I've been able to write more often recently, editing isn't my strong suit. *shivers* Or I should say, editing my own work isn't my strong suit. I could critique other works all day (sorry), but I'm practically blind when it comes to looking over my stories. I know the story like the back of my hand so surely I couldn't have left any plot holes, right? Hahaha. Thanks, brain.  Having to edit posts on a weekly basis will hopefully help me improve on this.
  2. Friends.  Blogging is also a way for me to branch out into the writing world to find people like me.  I'm still new to the blogging world, but I can't wait to make new friends who share their writing experiences through a blog of their own.
  3. Feedback. This is where you - the amazing followers - come in! While I'm attempting to improve my editing skills on my own, I need feedback. Just scrolling through the blog for a few minutes and leaving a comment helps. It helps a lot. I don't always love writing - it can be a real pain in the rear - but hearing from others that share my passion and struggles is so supportive. Plus chances are if you find me and leave a comment, I'll spend the next few minutes (or hours - I'm obsessed) reading through your blog! I'm always on the search for a new blog to check. :) 
Phew, that wasn't as confusing as I thought it might be :) Thanks again, Abi, for the great opportunity!


She had some great things to say, didn't she? And isn't she awesome?! And sweet? The correct answer is yes. But I don't really care what your answer is, because you shouldn't even be reading this. You should all be following her snazzy blog! Horrible things could happen if you don't. I hope you enjoyed her guest post as much as I did!


  1. Maddy seems like a really nice person. Thanks for telling me about her blog (and forcing me to check it out. However, I don't really mind..).

    I used to draw quite a lot but school got in the way :/

    1. Yes! You're welcome :) I used to draw more, too. I might actually be good at it by now if I'd kept it up :P

  2. Oh, fun! I shall have to check out your blog, Maddy. :)

    1. Thank you, Emily! I hope you like it :)

  3. I really enjoy guest posts! And her blog looks super awesome! I followed. :)

    1. Yay thank you for the follow! :)


Comments are how I know you've been here! I try hard to reply to all the comments in a timely fashion, but regardless, know that if you leave a comment, I will read it and it will make me smile. :) Please no profanity or soliciting.