
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Embracing Our Story

God writes the best stories if we choose to accept His path. That's what this post boils down to. I hope as this crazy year draws to a close that you value your role more than ever.

During 2020, I went from knowing that God was worthy of my trust to experiencing that again. 

I got a great job (during a pandemic).
I got diagnosed with epilepsy (and wasn't panicky about it).
I had a ton of car repairs (but funds and helpful relatives).
I cried a lot (and learned that's okay).
I got a boyfriend (after some emotional turmoil).
I joined a new church (and watched it mostly online).
I re-engaged a new project on a whim (and am self-publishing it in 2021). 
I tried a lot of new things (and won't revisit half of them).

In short, this year was hard, but I spent each moment more determined than ever to live. I know it was hard for all of us. But at the end of the day, 2020 doesn't go down as a bad year in my book. I know who writes my story, and after seeing this chapter, I'm more confident now than ever that God is the best Storyteller. Not just for me, but for all of us.

It's part of me being made in His image that I got the storytelling gene, and I may never get over how cool that is. But let me tell you, His story for you is better than any you could ever write for yourself. Whether that feels like a reality or a dream, I pray you can embrace that truth as we step into yet another chapter of His story.

I kid you not when I say that this online community God blessed me with is a huge part of what kept me sane during 2020. Welcome to 2021, my dear friends. 


What's something you're thankful for from 2020? Any word for the year or resolution for 2021?