
Saturday, February 24, 2018

How My Blog Saved My Writing Career Before It Had Begun (aka The Left-Handed Typist turns 2)

At the time you're reading this, I'm kicked back at a mansion on a lake celebrating my blog's 2nd birthday. I kid you not. (Except that being at the lake with my church has nothing to do with my blog but the weekends lined up, okay? :P)

I started this blog over two years ago. o.o Where has the time gone?! You tell me. All I know is I have loved blogging. Not all the time, sure. But it has literally saved my writing career.

To be totally forthright here, I used to laugh at blogs. As much as I liked the idea of journaling, I was never happy with it or consistent, so why bother? To me blogging was journaling online. So why would I care to read blogs (except for an occasional recipe), let alone write one and be all authentic and extroverted (*shudder*)?

Well, the first writing blog I ever found was Katie Grace's and I was blown away. I was enjoying this? More than that, after several months of e-mail communication with her, I'd roped her into helping me start my own blog. Ha! (Poor girl didn't know what she was getting into when I sent her that initial "I love your blog and I never love blogs!!!" e-mail.)

On February 24, 2016, Katie was so so kind and posted this post on her blog sharing her side of our God-orchestrated meeting and my first ever blog post (*hides from the cringe*).

The funny thing about all of this is, it was totally God. As in, I was inexplicably compelled to start a blog and my mom was like "I thought you hated blogs!" (Think of Lizzie when she wants to marry Mr. Darcy. That was me and Leftie here.) Now, two years later, this "fluff writing" that was so dreadfully personal (blech!) has become the very crux of everything I do. And I would even say that this blog saved my writing career before it had even begun.

How? IT GAVE ME ALL OF YOU OF COURSE!!! No blushing, I'm dead serious! Blogging isn't just an outlet I didn't know I needed, and it's not just a platform for numbers needed for traditional publication. Because that outlet is me getting to connect with the real people all over the world that each of those numbers represents. YOU!

Here's the cliff notes version. Without this blog I never would have:

  • flown halfway across the country to OCW with Ivy Rose and Emily McConnell
  • had the first agent experience that I did
  • had people in multiple countries interested in Martin Hospitality
  • had 16 beta readers volunteer to read my messy second draft
  • known there were so many people like me
  • seen internet friends as real friends
  • been blessed with so many smiles and encouragement and yes, teary eyes, in relation to my books and your friendship
The easy way to apply to some of this to your own blog (without guaranteed results) is to:
  • have someone launch your blog
  • guest post
  • be yourself, but professional
  • interact in the comments
  • engage beyond your blog (social media)
  • be willing to seek people out and follow up
  • be prompt and genuine in your replies
  • don't make promises you can't keep
  • post consistently
All of that has had a huge effect on my befriending all of you :) Books are nothing without an audience and writers are nothing without support, so I cannot thank you guys enough for being that to me every day. The real reason I keep blogging? I know I'll get to see all your shining faces in the comments and that brightens up my life. All these words I share both here and in my books amount to me hoping to shine back, even just a little, into yours. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that opportunity and privilege. :)
Bloggers, what keeps you blogging? Non-bloggers, why do you follow blogs? Have you ever considered starting one? I want to know it all!!!

(And yes. As of now this blog is known as Leftie.)

Also, congratulations to Seneca, Keturah, and Faith Potts! You guys won the giveaways and should each have an email in your inboxes :)

Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Art of DNFing

I've been waiting all week to bomb you all with another Valentine's Day-themed blog post ... but alas my brain is not working. Let it suffice to say that my favorite literary couple resides in The Scarlet Pimpernel and you should all watch the 1934 movie version on YouTube. Now for the art of putting a book down.

Please tell me that I'm not alone in feeling obligated to finish a book once I start it. Up until last month, I was determined to push through any book I began. But guess what? I don't have time for that.

I guess my logic went like this: I like to rate/review all books I read, not just the positive ones. I don't feel qualified to leave any negative feedback if I didn't finish the book to get the whole picture. Well, I've finally decided that's stupid and I need to change xD

Why would I put myself through a terrible book, wasting time and mental energy when I have zero interest in finishing it? I think I'll solve my previous problem by creating a DNF (did not finish) shelf on Goodreads and forget about rating those ... it'll speak for itself.

I think I also felt like if I DNFed something, it didn't count as reading it ... I think that's kind of bogus. Same with skimming. DNFing and skimming aren't full-attention reading cover to cover.  But if you gave it a shot and set it aside ... you can rest assured that that's just as final and "complete" as reading a book cover to cover. It's not your fault if you didn't enjoy it.

And as much as I hate to slap a I-disliked-this-book-so-much-I-couldn't-bear-to-finish-it label on books ... I'm going to start doing it.

Some of you are applauding my reading progressivism and others of you are probably sitting in stunned horror. Here's my reasoning:

  • I don't have time to waste reading books I don't enjoy
  • I should really be reading for my own enjoyment and edification, not to make authors happy
  • I don't have to rate books I DNF; I can just say I didn't finish and why
  • I'll get to books I could enjoy much quicker if I DNF the ones I'm not enjoying
All that being said, there are few times I can think of when DNFing is absolutely not okay and those exceptions would be when
  • beta reading
  • editing
  • reading when you promised a review
  • a school assignment
If you've made a promise to an author or have an expectation from your teacher or parents, you'd better knuckle down and follow through no matter the pain. (Trust me, I've been there.) But if you haven't made any promises, then don't feel bad setting the book aside and moving on to something more fun!

I think this is going to be harder for me than it sounds, but also a much better use of my reading time. Plus, just because you DNF something right now doesn't mean you can't return to it (and like it) later. Sometimes the timing just isn't right.

I also think feeling freer to DNF will lead me to try more books on a whim, because I won't feel bad putting them down. As long as I can maintain the balance of trying new things, going into books hoping to like them, and making it say ... 10% before setting them aside, I think DNFing will help me expand my reading horizons, not limit them to a narrow niche of preference. 

The more I think about it, of course I have started books and never finished them. I just don't think I've ever intentionally stopped reading a book ... Sounds like I need to update my DNF shelf on Goodreads ;)
What's a book you've DNFed (or should have)? What are your thoughts on stopping a book in the middle? Is it a struggle for you or second nature?

If you really want some good Valentine's Day posts, check out Nadine's on standards and singleness and Aberdeen's on her favorite romance books.

Don't forget today's the last day to enter this giveaway.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Writing a Meaningful Villain // Maddie Morrow

Today I have Maddie Morrow on the blog who takes over starting ... now! The Joker to Batman. President Snow to Katniss. The Wicked Witch of the West to Dorothy. All very different characters, but one main purpose: Be the villain.

In books and movies, we love these characters (or I should say, hate them). They drive the story forward: Thwarting our beloved hero at every turn, terrifying us with their cruelty, tugging at our heartstrings with their tragic past. Without them, there would be no story.

Who wants to read about a girl named Katniss who lives in Panem, where the government is kind and stable, there’s plenty of food, and nobody dies?

There’s no reason to destroy the One Ring if there’s no Sauron trying to wield its unbridled power.

Tessa would have never met Will Herondale in The Clockwork Angel if the dark sisters hadn’t kidnapped her for the magister first, and that my friends would be the greatest tragedy since Jack didn’t survive in Titanic.

So what makes a good villain, and how do we write one? This is a question I struggled with for years before a lightbulb came on. Here’s a few of the things I’ve discovered when it comes to writing meaningful, dastardly devils.
If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times, but it really cannot be said enough. Without a goal, your character is just evil for the fun of it. Very rarely is anyone evil just for the fun of it. They need a goal. A strong one.  I’m going to use Disney’s Cinderella for an example, because I feel like at this point everyone should know the story (If you don’t, what have you been doing your entire life?), and no one will be terribly upset about spoilers. The writers could have just made the stepmother a jerk because Cinderella wasn’t her biological child. Plausible, yes, but it doesn’t add any depth to the story. However, when we realize that the stepmother’s goal is for one of her own daughters to marry Prince Charming, then we have a goal that adds something to the story. Now not only are they horribly mean to her, now they’re actively plotting against her, trying to keep the prince from finding her, and trying to convince him that the ugly sisters are actually the girl he danced with at the ball. A goal creates that tension that fuels the story, the back and forth battle that makes the hero’s final victory so sweet. It’s not special that the hero wins if the villain never fought them. A goal can also carry into a sequel, like in Cinderella II. Cinderella was already engaged to Prince Charming. Think she’s won, right? Not so fast. Stepmother got the magic wand. Now she can make Anastasia look like Cinderella, and hypnotize Prince Charming, still trying to achieve her goal. The battle begins.
Backstory gives us a reason for why the villain is evil. It also makes them more relatable, which we’ll talk about in the next point. In the TV show Revolution, we immediately find out that Sebastian Monroe is the leader of the Monroe Republic, and he’s a bad dude. Throughout the series though, we learn more and more about what led him to this point. We see how he idolized Miles Matheson. He didn’t have any family left. Miles was all he had. They were best friends. Miles was harsh, and not afraid to kill and hurt people. We get to see how Monroe starts to copy him. A good choice? Not at all. Does it take away from the fact that what he’s doing is bad? Nope. It does show us how he started though. Making small bad choices based off his love for Miles, that snowballed into the villain we saw on the screen. His backstory also gave us his tipping point. It showed us a few bad choices, and then we find out that Miles tried to assassinate him, and then abandoned him, and it all makes sense now why he’s got such a burning hatred for the man who used to be his friend, as well as why he knows anything about Charlie and her family.
Villains that are relatable stir up emotions in your readers, and that’s exactly what you want. At face value, I can’t relate to Gollum from The Hobbit at all. I don’t talk in riddles, wear rags, have a split personality, or eat things raw. However, when we find out that Gollum was once a person-like creature, who happened to find the ring, he becomes more relatable. We can understand greed, what might make him want to keep the ring for himself, and not let anyone else see it. We’ve all been greedy at some point. We can understand the fear and guilt that drove him to the caves after killing his friend (though I hope none of us have ever killed their friend. You get my point). Then he becomes relatable. Even though we still think he’s a sick, creepy little troll, we can feel empathy toward him. Maybe even sympathy. And suddenly the reader is conflicted. This guy is a creep. He kills people, and talks to himself. Yet here we are feeling sorry for him, because the ring has taken over his mind and reduced him to a sniveling little blob, who has no friends, so he has to talk to himself. Neat, huh?
A bad boy does not a villain make. I’ve seen this in a lot of first drafts when I beta read, and in a lot of my old stories. There’s a character (usually one with black hair, who wears a leather jacket, and probably rides a motorcycle) who is annoying. He probably teases the poor sweet girl in school. He might smoke cigarettes in the parking lot. He’s a bad boy for sure, but he never gets developed past the annoying stage. Lots of people in my life annoy me, but they don’t graduate to the role of antagonist unless they try to oppose me. It’s not enough to have a character get on your main character's nerves. They can move past annoying without batting an eyelash. Make the bad boy step up his game. Maybe he breaks into the damsel’s locker, stealing her answers off the test, and then changing hers so she fails, because he’s jealous of her perfect scores while he can’t get good enough grades to make the football team. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you conflict. Now we’ve got an antagonist. Our dear sweet girl is going to try and figure out who sabotaged her test, and the bad boy is going to do everything in his power to keep from getting found out. The hunt is afoot.
There’s three different types of villains, in my opinion. The first is the bad guy who knows he’s bad and he’s alright with it. Villains like Black Beard and Davey Jones in some of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

The second type, is the villain that knows he’s bad, but thinks the ends justify the means. Back to Cinderella’s stepmother; it wasn’t bad for her to want the prince to marry one of her daughters. He was looking for a wife, after all. Any mother would hope her girl would be the one to catch his eye. So she has a good goal, but she was willing to do evil (lock up Cinderella, let the girls destroy her dress, etc.) to accomplish the goal.

The third villain is the scariest in my opinion. The villain who thinks he’s a good guy. Villains like this are how we get Adolf Hitler. The man honestly believed he was doing some divine work by eliminating “lesser” races. The rest of the world saw him as the murderous, vile, creature that he was, preying on thousands of innocent human beings. A fictional example would be Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. He’s a self-righteous fiend, who is under the impression that he’s doing the right and holy thing by killing gypsies and keeping Quasi locked away. A villain like this can really up the shiver factor for your story.
Nothing kills me more than the villain with hordes of mindless followers. Make them something worth following, in some twisted way. Take Tess Tyler from Camp Rock. (I’ve got little sisters, cut me a break.) For some reason Ella and Peggy follow her around like puppies, while she constantly degrades them. She never gives them anything in return for their loyalty. They gain the very shallow satisfaction of being one of the ‘cool girls’ but at the cost of being ridiculed constantly. Why? Make your villain have something appealing to the minions who follow them. The YA Western Dystopia I’m working on right now features a villain who is in charge of the largest gang in Cody, WY. He’s a ruthless killer, yet the men in his gang follow him. Why? Because I’ve given him something they want. He supplies them with the best food and water, the best housing, the prettiest women, and the easiest means to make ammunition. As long as they follow his orders, they can raise all the heck they want without reprimand. That’s appealing to them, so they don’t care if he shoots someone, or lies and cheats. Give your villain something that makes them a leader. Your readers will thank you.
Not all antagonists are truly villains. If two guys are trying out for starting quarterback, they immediately become each other’s antagonist. Neither one is evil, but they stand in the way of the other’s goal. One boy might try to spend extra time with the coach, or have his dad call and pull some strings to get him a better chance at starting. The second boy might have to work an afterschool job to help support his single mom and siblings, so he doesn’t have time to practice extra, and he doesn’t have a dad with connections. It doesn’t make the first boy a villain, just an antagonist, standing in the way of what our underdog hero wants. Sometimes this kind of character is what your story needs, more than a snarling, treacherous monster.

A huge thank you to Maddie for that awesome post! Here's some more about her and her closing questions:
Maddie Morrow is a Nebraska farm girl who puts way too much emphasis on Husker football. When she’s not arguing play calls, you can probably find her poking around in the garden, begging her flowers to grow, chasing her little boy around, or looking for tasty new things to feed her husband. Some of her hobbies include getting lost in books, trying to scribble out stories of her own, admiring her guitar collection and sometimes playing them. You can connect with her at her blog,
Also, a special thanks to Abigayle for having me on the blog today. It's been great spending time in her corner of the Internet.
How about you? What do you think makes a great villain? Who is your favorite fictional baddy? Drop a note in the comments section. I’d love to chat.

Abi again! Wasn't that a great post?! Last week I asked how long you guys thought it took me to write the MH birthday post ... my estimation is around 11 hours o_o That's with having to create some images, set up the Etsy shop, film the vlog, set up the giveaway, etc etc ;) The giveaway is still open!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Martin Hospitality Turns 1 :')

My firstborn little book baby is one today! *sniff* Cue all the reminiscing, Q+A, giveaway, sneak peeks, and just about everything else!


I swear I'm not doing this to be vain xD Those of you who are published will understand just how lovely it is to hear people love your book (especially people whose opinion you value), and I am being choosy and sharing only a few tearjerkers, I promise. ;)

You know, the Martins are my newest favorite fictional family :D ~ Lisa on page 200
How can a person switch favorite characters so many times in a single book?! ~ Kaitlyn K on page 365
 There is something so wonderful about this book. I can't even put my finger on it- it's just so pleasing and peaceful. I loved it! ~ Rachel's Bookish World
Miss Abigayle’s writing style has an old-fashioned feel to it that absolutely sucks you into the story while giving you the warm fuzzies. ... This is the kind of story that you want to curl up with and forget life’s problems for a few hours. ~ Ivy Rose
This book is so happy. I just felt bright and uplifted after finishing it. ~ Olivia Rollins 
I'm so thankful for all of my readers and reviewers *sniff*

Have you reviewed Martin Hospitality yet? I'm just going to remind you that some of you who "reviewed" on Goodreads have actually only gotten as far as "review to come once published." Which is totally fine! Just a little reminder there ;) I'm also going to throw out there that Amazon is the place to post reviews. As in it helps me a LOT. Even more than Goodreads. So if all of you would copy and past your Goodreads reviews, I would get +30 reviews before the day is over. What are you waiting for?!


Again, I'm not vain ... just insanely proud of this accomplishment! Mainly because I know for a fact there is no. freaking. way my book would have ever done this one its own. Nope. Not even with my help. Soak it in, my friends. You're looking at a supernatural act of God.

On the note of awards, I've been considering putting the award on the cover of my book. There's space, the color is decent, and I feel like it might help catch people's eye?? But I want your thoughts on this! Vote in the poll for me? Pretty please???


In case you've forgotten I'm a statistics fanatic queen B)


How many copies printed: 159
(I'm guessing I easily sold 100 if not more of these)

How many Amazon copies sold: 51

Grand total copies in existence: 210

Gracious, that feels like a lot to me. It'll be a while before I can put "Over 1 million copies in print" on the front but that's okay. Maybe my goal for its second birthday? (Kidding, I kid.) xD

I'm pretty sure I remember telling my brother that I'd be really happy if I sold 100 copies in its first year, and I definitely surpassed that thanks to promoting family and friends and some successful book signings. ^.^

The Martin Hospitality e-book will be FREE for the first time ONLY tomorrow Sunday, February 4 in celebration. Spread the word and grab a copy while you can!!

Sign up for my newsletter in the sidebar before the afternoon of Sunday, February 4 to get an exclusive sneak peek at Martin Crossroads (the sequel)! Hint: it involves Farris's siblings ;)

If you enjoy baking, check out this Pumpkin Chiffon Pie recipe and see if yours can be as yummy as Ginger Martin's. ;)


#1 - signed paperback + 4 signed bookmarks + 3-pack of my favorite pens
#2 - e-book + 4 signed bookmarks
#3 - 4 signed bookmarks

The giveaway goes through Saturday, February 17.

Okay, so I tried to do a spoiler warning for those who haven't read Martin Hospitality, but if you stop listening when I say to you won't be able to hear me end the spoiler warning haha xD SO. Maybe skip around when I say spoiler warning if you're really that concerned? Sorry xP

These questions were so good. SO GOOD! Think I'm exaggerating?

I hope you all enjoyed that! I still don't know how to edit a video so ... yeah. Instead of a blooper reel at the end you get it sprinkled all throughout lest I bore you with perfection xP Thanks again for the terrific questions; I hope my answers met the challenge.


To say I'm obsessed with the idea of bookish merchandise would be an ... understatement. To say the least. I'm still greatly brainstorming quality, inexpensive things I can offer, so I'd love to hear what you would like to buy. But for now, I can promise you these:

12 different cardstock bookmark - available NOW on my Etsy shop (why yes I did design all of this week ... o__o)
Themed candle - coming summer 2018, courtesy of BookBurn Candles
Magnetic bookmarks - coming ASAP  (I've ordered the supplies for these and just have to make sure my plan to make them actually works)

What else? As I said, ideas are welcome! T-shirts, frameable quotes, mugs, decks of cards ...


Initially, my hope was this spring. Due to the amount of planning this novel is taking and the fact that I've devoted some of my time to other writing endeavors ... that's obviously not happening. While I would love to have Martin Crossroads out in 2018, I'm not sure how feasible that is ... I probably won't know until I attempt to draft it yet again (which will be soon). At all costs I would absolutely like it to be out by spring 2019 -- 2 years after Martin Hospitality. I'll keep you all posted! And as I said above, you can get an additional sneak peek if you sign up for my newsletter before tomorrow afternoon!

And now for the parting photo:

Thank you all so much!!! I know this is how I end almost every post and video, but I have no words to express how much you all mean to me. If Martin Hospitality could talk, I'm sure he'd agree ;)

Q: Okay, so how much time do you think I spent preparing this blog post? o.o You'll find my estimate next week.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

White Wolf and the Ash Princess by Tammy Lash

I've seen White Wolf and the Ash Princess on social media and around the blogosphere for what feels like months, so when Victoria offered me the opportunity to get an e-copy in exchange for a review, I was totally in! Stick around for my review and a giveaway ;)

Eighteen year old Izzy's limited world begins to feel cramped after she completes her self-appointed book dare. After reading two-hundred and fifty books, a thought that had been once tucked away as tightly as the books on her library shelves becomes too irresistible to ignore..."Who am I?"

Memory loss prohibits Izzy from remembering her life before age seven when she was injured in a fire. Jonathan Gudwyne and his head housekeeper rescued her and took Izzy in as their own, but who did she belong to before they took her in?

Crippling panic keeps Izzy from wandering beyond the stables but Tubs, the Gudwyne's young stable boy, encourages Izzy to go beyond the property's rock wall to a world that promises possible answers, but also great danger. A scorched castle in the woods and a mysterious cellar filled with secrets sets Izzy on a path to the New World, where she will not only have to face her own terror but face the people responsible for her scars.

It is here, in the untamed wilds of the seventeenth century that she finds love and a home in the most unexpected of places.
I really didn't know what I was getting into with this book, but it had some very lovely, meaningful themes. The mash of seventeenth century England and then frontier America was a little unexpected, but it came off better than I thought it might in the end again because of the themes that contrasted and blended the two at the same time. (Does that even make sense? xP) Overall I wanted to keep reading because I didn't know what was coming, but at the same time I always felt like I was missing some detail, so the unexpected ride was almost too unexpected ...

I have so many scattered thoughts that I think pros and cons is going to be easiest way to go with the rest of it. ;)

  • Touching forgiveness and self-image arcs; such important themes!
  • Good use of foreign language (honestly sometimes I hate this, but bravo)
  • Good character development for Izzy that felt natural
  • Excellent description!! Seriously. I'm not one for following bunny trails of description, but this was poignant and handled really well.
  • Regency, pirate, and frontier feels all in the same book -- I don't know how she pulled this off but it was pretty neat
  • Izzy's faith arc also felt pretty natural because it was progressive, but a con to that is that there was no real "salvation moment" which made me lose my place in her progression a little
  • The author's note .... o.o Realizing just how personal the story is for Mrs. Lash made me appreciate the story and some of her author decisions more :)
  • The cover fits really well which is pretty impressive since the book has so many different flavors
  • A very cute character by the name of Tubs. I don't want to spoil anything but Maddie was really well done as well *applause* And honestly Avery was one of my favorite characters in the end hehe. The actual "villain" was also well done.
  • I'm so proud of Tammy for publishing, especially since she's not under 20 like a lot of people I rub shoulders with on the blogosphere. I think her example of finding a story that you can't go of is really powerful!
  • Too much exposition for my taste; there were many times where the dialogue and overall progression was discussed instead of shown. Personal preference here
  • Even though I was pretty impressed with the dialogue, I often found myself wondering if I'd missed some more pertinent detail to the development which made my reading experience a little choppy and confusing sometimes. I think some more internal dialogue with Izzy would have solved that
  • On kind of the same note, I was trying to figure out what POV and narration position the book was in for like the first half and I eventually let it go :P Izzy is definitely the MC but some things were told that she shouldn't have known and there was a bit of a narrator feel sometimes. I feel like this balanced out in the latter half of the book.
  • Dialogue wasn't era accurate at all times, but I know just how hard that is! And actually come to think of it, I was picturing everything more in the 19th century than the 16th ... Victorian and Little House were kind of the eras I had in my head, not the Stuart period and Pilgrims.
  • This is going to sound heartless, but even though the themes were well executed, I didn't necessarily connect emotionally ... until the author's note xP That sounds so lame but it's the truth!
  • I didn't like Jonathan. *hides* He was fine at first--nice even! And then he got all distant trying to do the right thing and so as things continued to morph and change it felt inconsistent to me. I guess I just never pegged him, and Izzy's feelings were pretty back and forth but "always there" too which again just confused me a little.
  • Not really my genre. This obviously isn't Tammy's fault, but I think that contributed to my lack of connection.
  • Some typos and errors were also distracting.
Phew! Told you I had a lot on my mind xD Congrats if you made it this far! That list looks really unbalanced, but it was more pros I promise. Overall I did like the story; it just wasn't my favorite. So I would rate it 6/10 shrooms or 3 stars.
Tammy lives in Lower Michigan with her husband and her three children. Izzy's home in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (Munising) is where she and her family enjoy exploring. Tammy enjoys hiking, kayaking, beach wandering, "hunting" for birch bark and hopes to someday find a porcupine quill. White Wolf and the Ash Princess is her first novel. She is published in Keys for Kids and has been in children's ministry for over twenty years.

Find her on:

And now for the giveaway Tammy is running!

Hopefully the embedding works, but if not you can click here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Did you enter the giveaway? If you've read this book, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it (or your thoughts of my thoughts hehe). Check out another review happening today by Kellyn over at Reveries!